Unlike his usual way of cynically making fun of the victim (usually for their stupidity) in the segment, who in this case happens to be a deadbeat dad, the Narrator instead shows a bit of his Papa Wolf side and outright states his dislike towards him. The Narrator has a bit of a sweet moment in #219: "Chairway to Heaven".Given how many times this show has used the Henpecked Husband trope, and how the segment was originally portrayed as a full blown Downer Ending, its nice to see a married couple that do love each other. #182: "Homie's Dead", after the revived husband scares the robber off the balcony to his death, the wife, who had thought she had failed to revive him earlier with CPR, is very relieved to see him alive and they embrace.#163: "Drivers Dead" The narrator expresses a little sympathy for the Jerkass Woobie, and suggests he got peace in death and went to Heaven.The narrator said that this was such a heartbreaking (yet awesome) way to die that it was given the number one spot ( or, as it's called in Japanese, "ichiban"). Several years later, with the help of some plum wine, the two finally consummate their love, but they end up quietly passing away together from simultaneous heart attacks since their bodies weren't used to the effects of orgasm. A repressed Japanese couple, though they love each other very much, are so scared of having sex that they never slept together on their wedding night. As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy.