NOTE: This step only needs to be performed once on a given computer.Click the arrow in the top-right corner of the web interface to open the Action menu.Logging into the Web UI will display the device Status page by default.When an account has been created or if the device already has administrator credentials, you will be redirected to the login page.Upon initial connection to the device, if no administrator credentials have been created, the Device First Boot screen will be displayed. Create a username and password.Logging In to the DMPS Web User Interface Double-click on the DMPS's entry in the list.The associated host name, IP address, and firmware version are also displayed. When the discovery process is complete, the DMPS will be listed in the device list on the left-hand side of the screen. Opening this tool will automatically begin a discovery of Crestron devices on the network. From the Tools menu or the toolbar, open the Device Discovery Tool.To access the web interface from within Crestron Toolbox Start a new browser window and type in the navigation bar the IP address of the DMPS followed by ' /setup/'.To access the web interface directly from a web browser: Open a web browser from within the Crestron Toolbox™ application.To access the web interface, do either of the following: The initial steps for accessing the XPanel interface are done in the DMPS's web-based interface, which is accessed from a web browser.

Navigating to the DMPS Web User Interface

This article details the reuqired steps to access this XPanel interface. Due to the termination of support for Adobe® Flash® Player, the configuration interfaces of the 3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation Switchers have been converted to an XPanel-based interface using the Adobe AIR® runtime.