The text-to-speech feature is available to all our subscribed users.Tired of reading lengthy paragraphs? Want to listen to audiobooks but only have PDF/EPUB/TXT files at hand? Or are you working hard to improve your second language comprehension? Let text to speech apps be your helper! By uploading your ebooks, notes, or articles to text to speech apps, you will be able to ease the burden and rest your eyes. It’s easy, fast, and doesn’t require any technical skills. These were the 3 options of adding a voiceover to your project. Here, you can adjust the duration if you plan to record a voiceover for your whole video, not for a single scene. If you want to record your voiceover yourself, select this option, connect your microphone, and click on “Rec”. Once your file is added, you can adjust when your voiceover should begin during the scene using the timeline, replace your file if it doesn’t match your scene, or remove it completely.Īnd, here’s the last option – “Record”. Select the newly generated track and click the “+” button. When you click on “Save”, a new window will appear with the list of all your voiceover files. Click the play button on each scene to preview it, and edit the voiceover section, if necessary. Now, you can adjust the scene and the voiceover duration with the help of the trimmer. Or, you can record again after adjusting the settings for a better result. You can listen to the generated voiceover and save it if everything sounds good. Keep in mind that the text limit is 500 characters.

Adjust the voiceover speed, if necessary. All you need to do is type in your text, select your language from the 10 languages available in male/female options, and click “Generate”. If you don’t have a voiceover, select our text-to-speech tool. Select the scene to which you want to add a voiceover, click on “Upload”, and choose one of the options: your computer, Dropbox, or Google Drive. There are 3 options to choose from: upload your file, use our new text-to-speech feature, or record it. This will redirect you to our advanced voiceover trimmer where you can add your voiceover and match with the scenes. In the “Music” section of our video editor, you can add a music track and a voiceover.

Let’s go through all the 3 available options of adding a voiceover to your product explainer videos, demos, tutorials, social videos, video ads, presentations, and other video projects. If you have already seen our advanced voiceover trimmer, then you know that you can easily sync your voiceover with every selected scene of your video. Use our text-to-speech feature to add a voiceover to your videos using the desktop video editor, or our iOS and Android apps. We’re happy to announce that one of your long-awaited features is live! Ready to turn your text into natural-sounding speech?